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Gallery-Take a vitural tour of Laughing Bodies
Videos and photos of the Laughing Bodies experiece. More videos at the bottom of this page!
Five 30 minute home practice videos -
made for Any Body
Videos can be streamed and downloaded from Vimeo
click on image below

Vrischikasana in Pincha Mayurasana
Scorpion pose in Elbow Balance: Gray Bear Retreat Center

Black Rock Lodge, Belize Yoga Retrea

Rebecca assists with Handstand
Adho Mukha Vrksasana

Headless Headstand
OK - not really - she still has her head! Like headstand but head is off the floor.

Vashistasana - Side Plank Pose
Advanced chair yoga!

Yogis can learn a great deal by simply observing.

Ardha Chandrasana-Half Moon Pose
Engaging the Belly Workshop: Laughing Bodies - Crossville, TN

Rebecca assists Elbow Balance
Thatch Caye in Belize

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